Careers Education

Great Academy Ashton are committed to providing our students with a comprehensive careers programme which will inspire them to achieve their full potential and provide them with the skills and knowledge they require for the world of work.
To help in raising our student’s aspirations, we provide them with careers education right from the start of their GAA journey, this is in part delivered by our Personal Values curriculum which is delivered in Years 7-10. These lessons help students to better understand themselves, put long term plans in place for their future, and work on the employability skills required to succeed.
Key Stage 3 Careers
All Students are introduced to Careers Education through PSHE lessons, form sessions, planned events, assemblies and have access to the CEIAG team through drop-in sessions.
Activities include:
- Pathways evening to explore options for GCSE.
- Form time careers discussions.
- Personal Values lessons on researching careers and labour market information.
- Opportunities for University campus visits.
- Speed Networking event enabling students to talk to a wide range of professionals.
Key Stage 4 Careers
All Students are introduced to Careers Education through Life Education lessons and have access to the CEIAG team through drop-in sessions. Every student will be seen for a careers guidance interview.
- A-level taster days at sixth form colleges.
- Vocational course taster days at FE colleges.
- Careers Fair involving a wide range of local colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeship, and training providers.
- Work place visits to local employers.
- Opportunity for parents to meet local colleges at parents evening.
- College assemblies on post-16 options.
- Prospectus and application process.
- Drop in sessions with Positive Steps and IAG.
- Targeted and requested interviews.
- Apprenticeship workshops and Q&A sessions.
- Presentations on Higher Education and opportunities for University visits.
- Mock Interviews in preparation for post-16 interviews.
Further Information
Key Contact
Please contact Mrs T James, Careers Leader, for more information:
Telelphone: 0161 241 9555