
The government’s careers strategy has at its heart four themes, the first of which is ensuring a ‘high-quality careers programme’ in all schools and colleges. This is to be achieved via the eight Gatsby benchmarks, each of which relate to an area of school activity, and define excellence in that area:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
The first six benchmarks can, in some way, be achieved by input from employers and businesses. Other parts of the strategy include making employers an integral part of the guidance strategy, ensuring people can benefit from tailored support (i.e. individual careers guidance and mentoring, for example, by an employer) and making the most of labour market information. You can see from above that employers will play a huge part in schools achieving the eight benchmarks and sustaining a world class careers programme.
Can your organisation help?
Can you or your organisation inspire young people about your workplace, share your insights into what it takes to succeed in the workplace, or offer ‘real-life’ projects to give young people the opportunity to experience the world of work?
More than ever, it’s vital the Greater Manchester’s young people are connected to the world of work.
• The recent Life Readiness survey has shown: 6 out 10 Year 10 students in GM are worried about getting a job when they are older; 67% of year 10 girls say they feel hope and optimism for their future compared to 81% of year 10 boys.
• Young people have said through the Young Person’s Guarantee, that they would like more experiences of the workplace and to connect with organisations and role models that represent them and their communities.
Benefits for your business:
• Prepare young people for work and for life
• Build your talent pipeline
• Inspire young people and bring learning to life
• Support young people to learn about the workplace and gain skills needed for employment
How can you get involved?
Please do get in touch with Theresa James (theresa.james@gaa.org.uk) for further information. Below are some of these activities and experiences that employers could offer:
At school:
· assemblies and talks
· careers ‘speed dating’ events
· small group focus sessions/mentoring
· practice interviews
· projects and challenges in subject areas
· (transferable) skills in the workplace
In the workplace:
· work place safaris and visits (site tours)
· talks from employees about world of work and career pathways
· team building exercises and work related challenges