School Uniform

School Uniform
All students attending Great Academy Ashton are expected to wear the full school uniform at all times. The affordability of our uniform expectations has been considered and if there any issues regarding uniform requirements please get in contact.
Parents and students are reminded that it is a condition of entry that the Academy uniform and appearance regulations are always adhered to, and students may be sent home, placed in isolation, or suspended if they are improperly dressed or in breach of the policy. We expect parents to support us in the detail as well as the principle of the Academy uniform. Please do not buy anything that is not on the list or specified. If you are uncertain about the choices your child may wish to make around uniform or appearance, please contact the Academy to check, prior to giving permission.
Uniform Swap Shop
At Great Academy Ashton, we recognise that school uniform can be expensive. We have taken steps to keep our uniform as affordable as possible, and have limited the number of branded items we ask students to wear. However, we understand that circumstances can change and parent’s priorities need to be on keeping their children fed and warm. We also recognise the need to be sustainable by re-using good quality clothes.
With this in mind, we have set up a Uniform Swap Shop, where you can donate unwanted items of school uniform, or pick up nearly new items.
Our school contact for this is Tasleem Ayoub who can be contacted by email
Please feel free to send any unwanted GAA uniform items into school with your child and drop it off at reception.
You can find further information about uniform swap shops locally here.
Items Required:
- Black blazer with Academy Logo
- Black tailored trousers or Academy black skirt, Lycra skirts and very short skirts are not permitted, skirts must be at least mid-thigh length. Tights of at least 60 denier thickness must be worn with skirts.
- White shirt
- Academy year group tie
- Black Academy jumper (optional)
- Black socks or plain black tights
- Black Hijab (optional)
- Black flat sensible Academy shoes. Black trainers/exercise/canvas shoes/boots are not acceptable. Footwear must look like a sensible Academy shoe and not be able to be mistaken for trainer. Shoes must be plain black only with no white or contrast piping. Please be aware some shops do sell black trainer type shoes within their school shoe section and this style of shoe is not permitted.
- In summer students may wear a Grey GAA polo shirt instead of the white shirt and tie
Full uniform and appearance policy is available for download below
Our uniform stockists are:
Top Marks Schoolwear
82 Old Street
Tel: 0161 343 2900
MCS Stores Schoolwear
32 Market Street
Tel: 0161 339 9845
Facebook: MCS Stores (For Offers, Discounts & Updates)