
School Admissions Process
As the Admission Authority, the Academy Trust is responsible for determining the admission arrangements for the Academy for each academic year in line with the Schools Admissions Code published by the Department for Education.
In addition the Academy Trust is responsible for ensuring that parents and children have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision of the Academy Trust. The Independent Appeal Panel will be independent of the Academy Trust and the arrangements for convening such a panel shall be in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department for Education.
Copley Academy participates in the co-ordinated admission arrangements operated by the Local Authority (Tameside MBC) and the local Fair Access Protocol.
To apply for a school place at Copley Academy, please visit Tameside Council’s admissions link here.
Supporting Documents
School Appeals 2025
Below are the dates for appealing a decision for the September 2025 entry, this includes in-year transfers.
School type | Offer date | Appeals to be lodged by | Appeals to be heard by |
Secondary | 03 March 2025 | 28 March 2025 | Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals |
Primary | 16 April 2025 | 16 May 2025 | Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals |
For late applications, appeals will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
For applications for in-year admissions, appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
You’ll be sent notification of your appeal hearing, alongside relevant documentation, including details of how to join the hearing, at least 10 school days in advance of your hearing date..
If you wish to submit further evidence, which was not included with your initial appeal application, you must ensure that we receive it at last 3 working days in advance of your hearing date. You can send this to Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing. The Independent Appeal Panel will then decide whether it should be considered, taking into account its significance and the effect of a possible need to adjourn the hearing.

To find out about our open evenings or to discuss an application for a place for your child