Ofsted Inspection of our School
We have just been told that we are to have an Ofsted Inspection starting tomorrow (Tuesday 11th March and Wednesday 12th March). The Inspectors will be on site looking at all areas of our school and supporting us in celebrating what we do best and also verifying the areas that we are continually focussing on to improve.
I would encourage you to play your part in the whole process by completing a Parental Questionnaire on the Ofsted Parent View website which can be linked from here:
We are immensely proud of our students and our school and look forward to working with the inspectors in ensuring we celebrate our successes and develop further our key areas for improvement.
If you wish to speak with the Inspection Team while they are at school please feel free to ring school reception on 0161 241 9555 or e-mail admin@gaa.org.uk and a member of the inspection team will be able to return your call.

Great Academy Ashton Local Governing Committee

At Great Academy Ashton, the Local Governing Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operational day-to-day running of the Academy.

The Clerk for the Local Governing Committee is Hannah Abbott. To contact the Chair of Governors please email the Clerk on habbott@gaet.co.uk

Governor NameAppointed byDate of
Elizabeth GilmoreStaff Election28.01.202128.01.2029
Claire HealeyParent Election31.03.202331.03.2027
Aaron Jones (Vice Chair)Trustees13.12.202313.12.2027
Phillip Liggett (Chair)Trustees01.09.202201.09.2026
Umesh PatelTrustees27.03.202427.03.2028
Mayumi Vithane Kuruppu ArachchilageParent Election10.06.202410.06.2028
Jack YeoStaff Election10.06.202410.06.2028
Anita ZarskaTrustees08.03.202408.03.2028

Historical Governors (resigned in the last twelve months)

Governor Name Appointed by Date of Appointment Date Term Ended
Adam ParsonsTrustees09.03.202109.03.2025
David GatleyTrustees17.02.202314.02.2025
Jon WorrallParent Election28.10.202208.03.2024
Kimberley HeaveyStaff Election12.12.201931.05.2024

Great Academy Ashton LGC Meeting Attendance 2023/2024

Governor Name Attended meetings Possible meetings Percentage attended
Phillip Liggett (Chair)66100.00%
Adam Parsons (Vice Chair)5683.33%
Aaron Jones44100.00%
Claire Healey66100.00%
Elizabeth Gilmore66100.00%
Kimberley Heavey55100.00%
Jack Yeo11100.00%
Anita Zarska2366.67%
Umesh Patel22100.00%
David Gatley5683.33%
Jon Worrall33100.00%
Mayumi Kuruppu11100.00%
David Waugh (Principal)66100.00%

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2024/2025

Governor NamePosition held at GAANature of BusinessBusiness EntityRole within the InterestDate of Declaration
Phillip LiggettTrustee Governor (Chair)Risk ManagementNexus Risk Management Services LLPDesignated Member10/09/2024
Higher EducationFutureworksEmployee10/09/2024
Claire HealeyParent Governor None declaredNone declaredNone declared02/09/2024
Aaron JonesTrust GovernorBusiness or financeThe University of ManchesterEmployer11/10/2024
Mayumi KuruppuParent GovernorNone declaredNone declaredNone declared10/09/2024
David GatleyTrustee GovernorNone declared None declared None declared 10/10/2024
Elizabeth GilmoreStaff GovernorNone declared None declared None declared 11/10/2024
Adam ParsonsTrustee Governor (Vice Chair)None declaredNone declaredNone declared10/10/2024
Umesh PatelTrust GovernorBusiness or financeCathson Developments LtdDirector05/11/2024
David WaughPrincipalEducationHodgson AcademyHead Teacher Appraisal Support10/10/2024
EducationGlossopdale SchoolCommittee Chair10/10/2024
EducationChartered College of TeachingFellow of the Chartered College of Teaching (FCCT)10/10/2024
BusinessAmbition InstituteVisiting Fellow10/10/2024
EducationCanon Johnson CofE Primary SchoolGovernance Role10/10/2024
BusinessAmbition Achievement for AllCoach for NPQEL, EHCO and NPQH programmes10/10/2024
Jack YeoStaff GovernorNone declaredNone declaredNone declared01/09/2024
Anita ZarskaTrustee GovernorBusiness or financeInclusive BytesDirector10/10/2024

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