Ethos and Values

Great Academy Ashton is a highly inclusive, multi-cultural, celebratory learning focused school where we seek to embed our GREAT values in all activities and actions within school: GENUINE, RESPECT, EXCELLENCE, ACHIEVEMENT, TOGETHER.
We aim to create a school where all students…
- Make outstanding progress, in their learning, regardless of ability, gender, social background or ethnic origin
- Are engaged in a curriculum suffused with great knowledge, memorable experiences and rich opportunities
- Learn, with teachers, in an environment which is mutually respectful and promotes a shared enjoyment of learning
- Develop social attitudes and behaviours founded upon the principles of genuine, respect, excellence, achievement and togetherness
- Develop the transferable skills and attitudes needed to thrive in the global economy of the 21st Century
We aim to ensure…
- All students achieve in line with the best amongst them
- All lessons meet the needs of all learners
- All students are safe, celebrated and are fully engaged in the life of our school
- We continue to improve the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students
- All students will be inspired to believe that they can achieve and achieve in every aspect of school life; academically, vocationally, culturally, socially.
Our GREAT Values are:
- GENUINE; we are honest, trustworthy and take responsibility for our actions. We are proud to be a member of GAA, we treat everyone with respect
- RESPECT; we use good manners and we treat everyone fairly and with kindness. We strive for excellence.
- EXCELLENCE; we are the best version of ourselves and have high expectations of each other. We work hard and respond positively to all challenges. We aim to achieve.
- ACHIEVE; we strive to fulfill our highest potential and we participate fully in Academy life together
- TOGETHER; we are supportive of each other and celebrate our differences. We resolve any differences calmly, learning from them. Together we are GREAT.