Key Stage 4 Combined Science

- Key Concepts in Biology
- Cells and Control
- Genetics
- Natural Selection and Genetic Modification
- Health, Disease and the Development of Medicines
- Plant Structure and their Functions
- Animal Coordination, Control and Homeostasis
- Exchange and Transport in Animals
- Ecosystems and Material Cycles
- Key Concepts in Chemistry
- States of Matter and Mixtures
- Chemical Change
- Extracting Metals and Equilibria
- Groups in the Periodic Table
- Rates of Reaction and Energy Changes
- Fuels and Earth Science
- Key Concepts of Physics
- Motion and Forces
- Conservation of Energy
- Waves
- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Radioactivity
- Energy – Forces Doing Work
- Forces and their Effects
- Electricity and Circuits
- Magnetism and the Motor Effect
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Particle Model
- Forces and Matter