Ofsted Inspection of our School
We have just been told that we are to have an Ofsted Inspection starting tomorrow (Tuesday 11th March and Wednesday 12th March). The Inspectors will be on site looking at all areas of our school and supporting us in celebrating what we do best and also verifying the areas that we are continually focussing on to improve.
I would encourage you to play your part in the whole process by completing a Parental Questionnaire on the Ofsted Parent View website which can be linked from here:
We are immensely proud of our students and our school and look forward to working with the inspectors in ensuring we celebrate our successes and develop further our key areas for improvement.
If you wish to speak with the Inspection Team while they are at school please feel free to ring school reception on 0161 241 9555 or e-mail admin@gaa.org.uk and a member of the inspection team will be able to return your call.

Our vision is to create a fair and just school community that:

  • Promotes social inclusion, community cohesion and equality
  • Respects diversity
  • Challenges and acts upon discrimination and inequality

In order to promote equality, diversity and cohesion within the local community, we believe that the Academy should reflect all the communities which it serves.
GAA Academy will contribute to community cohesion through the following areas:

  • Teaching, learning and the curriculum
  • Equality and excellence
  • Extended services

Key Dates


Have an enquiry or some feedback for us?rnFill out the form below to contact our school.

Parent guide to the GAA graduated response