Written by michaelholly, 12th June 2024

School Games Gold Mark Award

GAA has achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth...

Written by michaelholly, 7th March 2024

National School Attendance Award

GAA has been awarded a National School Attendance Award

Written by michaelholly, 20th September 2023

Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is a grant provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to help low income households with the rising cost of living.  This includes energy,...

Written by michaelholly, 24th August 2023

GCSE Results are in!

“…simply the best!” The Year 11 cohort at Great Academy Ashton have proven it once again, they are “…simply the best!”. The Class of 2023 have set another record-breaking set...

Written by michaelholly, 17th July 2023

Warburtons / Morrisons

From today, you can Ask for Ellen at Morrisons cafés and receive two FREE Warburtons Crumpets with butter and jam, available to everyone, no questions asked, all day, every day until 13th...

Written by michaelholly, 16th June 2023

Keeping children safe online over the summer

Written by michaelholly, 6th June 2023

Happy Pride Month

For Pride this year Kooth Digital Health will be hosting a webinar for parents and carers across Greater Manchester on how to be a good ally to your LGBTQ child. ...

Written by michaelholly, 17th March 2023

Parentzone – The use of TikTok

Watch this video to get an understanding of how to ensure your children are using TikTok safely

Written by michaelholly, 1st March 2023

Careers Event

On Tuesday 7th March all students in Year 8 are taking part in a Careers Event. They will come to the Auditorium and interview an employer about their careers. There is a booklet...

Written by Andrew Thewell, 23rd November 2022

University Trip for Budding Students

Students attended the University of Manchester as part of the Gateways Programme.  This scheme sets out to promote university to students who are academically able and have the potential to...