Design and Technology (Key Stages 3 & 4)

In Design and Technology, students learn and acquire a wide range of practical skills. Over the course of Key Stage 3, students develop a range of skills including health, safety and hygiene, designing, cutting, shaping and constructing. By acquiring these skills, students are able to both design and make in wood as well as cook healthy, balanced and nutritional meals, demonstrated in final composite pieces of work.
Key Stage 3
Students study two disciplines, food preparation and nutrition and design and technology (with a strong focus on wood). Students gain knowledge and understanding of a wide range of materials and ingredients. They learn about the source, form and functionality of these materials, as well as how their use impacts upon the environment. Students are taught about healthy eating and nutrition and about the direct relationship between good diet and good physical and mental health. Students are encouraged to consider that their choices as consumers both now and in the future have a part to play in having a sustainable future for the planet.
Design & Technology (Key Stage 4)
Students follow the WJEC syllabus. The first year of the GCSE course is a practice year. Students will:
● develop a design portfolio in response to a given contextual challenge;
● make a prototype product and enhance their knowledge of the technical principles.
In the second year, students complete a sustained design and make task (50% of the qualification) based on a contextual challenge set by the exam board assessing their ability to:
● Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities, design;
● make prototypes and analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.
Students also practice a mix of short answer, structured and extended writing questions (50% of the qualification) assessing their knowledge and understanding of:
● technical principles;
● design and making principles;
● the ability to analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.
Food Preparation and Nutrition (Key Stage 4)
Food preparation and nutrition is important for everyone and gaining qualifications in this subject can lead to a wide variety of career opportunities within the food and health industries. Areas of study include:
1. Food Commodities
2. Principles of Nutrition
3. Diet and Good Health
4. The Science of Food
5. Where Food Comes From
6. Cooking and Food Preparation
During this course students are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. Students also study food provenance and food choice as well as having opportunities to develop practical food preparation skills.