Personal Values

The Personal Values Faculty consists of Religious Studies, Citizenship and Personal Values (also known as PSHE). Together these subjects help to mould our students into well-rounded and tolerant individuals, who make a positive contribution to society and take responsibility for their own actions. Our students are supported to understand the world around them and its differing viewpoints and to make positive choices in different areas of their lives such as education, health, work and at home.
As a faculty we aim to teach not only the content of our individual courses, but we also model to our students the skills needed to know their own ideas and thoughts and communicate them with confidence. We provide many opportunities outside of the classroom to put these skills into action such as taking part in multicultural celebrations, being a part of the school debate team and taking part in a mock trial at the Crown Court. Our hope is that as a result of our teaching, students will know themselves well, be proud of who they are, whilst be respectful of others.
Personal Values
At Great Academy Ashton we want to equip every student with the skills, qualities and support needed to be successful or GREAT at life in modern Britain. We believe in teaching and supporting our students through life, not just qualifications, which is why we offer bespoke teaching suited to the needs of our students on topics which will support them in their life after school.
Our Personal Values Curriculum includes PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Citizenship and Careers Education (CEIAG). All year groups have one lesson per fortnight which is supported by specialist drop down days, form time sessions and assemblies.
Lesson topics are subject to change as needs arise within the school community. We want to ensure that students are getting the support they need in every area and so if a need arises, we adapt the curriculum to match that need. The general topics of study can be seen below.
The Personal Values Curriculum
Topic Area 1: Mental Health and Wellbeing
Topic Covered | Places to get help |
Self-esteem and how it affects our behaviour | Kooth – The online mental wellbeing community Childline Young Minds The Hive Tameside |
Healthy Living | The Eatwell Guide NHS NHS Services Tameside Children’s Nutrition Team Childline |
Drugs and Alcohol Awareness | National Institute on Drug AbuseChildline Frank – Honest Information about DrugsChange Grow Live – Support for young people in Tameside with Drugs and Alcohol |
Managing Social Risks | Childline Stop it Now! Youthink TamesideCEOP – Reporting Online Abuse Child Sexual ExploitationCounty Lines Support from the Children’s SocietyTameside Safeguarding Partnership – Reporting all forms of abuse |
Topic Area 2: Relationships Education
Different Types of Relationships | Childline Relate Respectful relationships |
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships | Childline Rise UK Stop it Now! Safeline Fresh – Sexual Health Services for Teens Support for Young Parents and Carers in Tameside |
Diversity in Relationships | Childline Strong Family Alliance Barnados The Proud Trust Live Out Loud |
Peer Influence and Online Safety | Tameside Safeguarding Children CARE Stop it Now! Think u know |
Topic Area 3: Life in the Wider World
Learning and Employability | Xello Greater Manchester Apprenticeships and Careers Kidscape Skillsbuilder |
My Path Through Education | Princes Trust Modern Apprenticeships Support with College Applications Youth Employment UK |
Managing Money | National Debt Advice Line The Princes Trust Money Helper The Money People |
British Values and Democracy | Young Citizens Tameside Youth Council British Youth Council |
Drop Down Days
On bespoke Drop-Down Days students cover the more sensitive elements of the curriculum such as sex education and risks in the local community. This allows us to ensure they are in smaller groups in which they feel comfortable discussing and learning about these topics. Our specially trained staff provide students with all that they need to know and guide them to places they can receive support if they need it. To further support students in their pursuit of living a healthy life, other Drop-Down Days cover topics such as First Aid, or how to self- check for various types of cancer.
Form and Assembly Time
In addition to lessons and Drop-Down Days, students have an assembly each week to help to bring to life what they are learning in lessons. Assemblies cover many topical issues such as bullying, as well as various national awareness days and months, or world events such as Holocaust Memorial Day for example.
Students also take part in form time activities, which support the development of:
employability skills;
literacy and language for learning;
understanding and knowledge of historically significant figures such as Nelson Mandela;
awareness and understanding of key issues affecting young people in Tameside including gang culture and anti-social behaviour.
Form discussions to improve oracy and learning, are also used to signpost students to places where they can receive support if they are affected by an issue.