Music (Key Stages 3 & 4)

In Music, students are encouraged to learn through and engage with a variety of musical styles and traditions in lessons and beyond. Our extra-curricular programme includes weekly sessions where students can develop skills and knowledge in a fun and engaging environment. We also invite family and friends into the school regularly to watch our full-scale musical productions and showcases.
We use CUBASE composition software and make full use of the academy’s professional facilities to allow recording, ensemble rehearsals and individual study.
In Key Stage 3, we offer a music lesson per week on either Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Drum-Kit or Keyboard, thus giving students opportunities to play instruments that they may never have had access to before. In this way, we aim to build resilience in our students, and all are expected to be able to play at least one musical instrument by the end of the Key Stage. To support this aim, we currently have the luxury of three professional visiting peripatetic staff in addition to our own music staff.
Our overarching aims are to inspire, build confidence and resilience and champion a love of performance in every student.
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Keyboard Skills and Music Theory 1 Music for Film – Horror Pachelbel Arrangement | Keyboard Skills and Music Theory 2 Passport to World Music Computer Game Music | Pop Song Performance Samba/STOMP Blues |
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4, we offer OCR GCSE Music or BTEC Music First Award. Both courses are of equal value but differ in content.
GCSE music is a practical/academic course with a 40% written exam, 30% performance element and 30% composition element. It is suitable for students, who are competent at playing a specific musical instrument, have some experience in composition and have demonstrated good progress and attainment in music lessons.
Topics studied:
My Music
The Concerto through Time
Rhythms of the World
Film Music
Conventions of Pop
BTEC First Award
BTEC music is a practical/academic course. Four different units of work must be completed. Each unit is weighted equally to calculate an overall grade. It is suitable for both beginners and those, who are already competent at playing a specific musical instrument. The course is vocational: this means that it develops skills and knowledge that equip the learner with ‘real life’ ability to work in an area of the music industry.
Topics studied:
Unit 1 – The Music Industry (1 hour externally assessed written examination)
Unit 2 – Managing a Music Product
Unit 4 – Music Composition
Unit 5 – Music Performance