Art and Design is the subject that allows us to process the chaos of the visual world and its constant stream of information. Here at Great Academy Ashton our students master the skills of drawing and painting. We have specialist teachers in the department in fine art, textiles and illustration.

In Key Stage 3, students study a range of artists and crafts people; following a chronological story of art history to enable students to contextualise their studies and understand how the Arts have developed over time and are entwined. This includes the caves at Lascaux, to African rock art, Greek pottery, Renaissance portraiture, Asian Pattern, 1920s American Architecture and Black art history. Students are assessed using the Head, Heart, Hands model in KS3.

Year 7 Unit Title: Origins  Unit Title: Black Art History month Unit Title: Alphabetica C pageUnit Title: Alphabetica  3 D letter constructionUnit Title: Alphabetica G is for Grid  Unit Title: Alphabetical Haring and Insects
Year 8 Unit Title: Kate BingamenUnit Title: Black Art History month Unit Title: Renaissance portraitureUnit Title: Jon Burgerman  Unit Title: Gaudi  Unit Title: Sealife ceramics
Year 9          Unit Title: Human Form  Unit Title: Black Art History month Unit Title: Human Form  Unit Title: Human Form  Unit Title: Human Form  Unit Title: Sweets

KS4 course: AQA Art and Design GCSE

GCSE Art allows students the opportunity to develop creativity through the development of work based on various themes and mock Controlled Assessments which take place at the beginning of Year 11. Students are required to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to their chosen responses. Students may work in any medium or combination of media. This can include digital or non-digital media, or a mixture of both. A willingness to experiment and accept / respond to failure is vital. Students will be required to develop ideas through practical experiences and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of sources that inspire their work. An interest in the broader world of Art and Artists is a necessity. Students will develop and apply relevant subject specific skills to visually communicate ideas, meanings and responses. A high level of technical ability and/or passion for the subject and desire to learn is required. Over time, students will be expected to reflect critically on their journey and make decisions about their own work. Confidence and the ability to learn independently are essential.


Component 1: Portfolio = 60% Starting point to be determined by the teaching staff. There is no restriction on the scale of work, media or materials used. Portfolio must include:

A sustained project developed in response to a subject, theme, task or belief evidencing the journey from initial ideas to the realisation of intentions.

 A selection of further work resulting from activities such as trials and experiments: skills-based workshops; mini and/or foundation projects; visits and independent study

Component 2: Externally set assignment = 40%, 10 hours (Controlled Assessment) AQA provides an externally set assignment with seven different starting points. Students must select and respond to one of the starting points from their chosen title.